Ama Bank Odisha 2024 : Objective, Benefits, Eligibility, Online Apply Process

AMA Bank Odisha – Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik has launched the ”Ama Bank” scheme in Odisha on 28 November 2023 to connect the areas of the state which are still lacking banking services. With the launch of this scheme, every citizen of Odisha state will be able to avail banking services. Through this scheme CSP Plus Banking Outlets will be invented for the first time in the state of Odisha. Through this scheme, customer service centers will be established in every area of the state of Odisha where there is lack of banking facilities. Under the ”Ama Bank” Scheme, financial inclusion will be promoted in every region of the state of Odisha. Many banks will be linked under this scheme, including SBI, PNB, UCO, BOB, BOI and UBI. To avail the benefits of this scheme, citizens of Odisha state have to apply their Odisha Ama Bank Scheme online.


AMA Bank Odisha Scheam


ओडिशा के Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik ने ओडिशा राज्य के उन क्षेत्रों को जोड़ने के लिए 28 November 2024 को ओडिशा ”Ama Bank” योजना शुरू की, जहां अभी भी बैंकिंग सेवाओं का अभाव है। इस योजना के शुरू होने से ओडिशा राज्य का प्रत्येक नागरिक बैंकिंग सेवाओं का लाभ उठा सकेगा। इस योजना के माध्यम से ओडिशा राज्य में पहली बार CSP Plus Outlet का आविष्कार किया जाएगा। इस योजना के माध्यम से ओडिशा राज्य के हर उस क्षेत्र में ग्राहक सेवा केंद्र स्थापित किए जाएंगे जहां बैंकिंग सुविधाओं की कमी है। ”Ama Bank” योजना के तहत ओडिशा राज्य के हर क्षेत्र में वित्तीय समावेशन को बढ़ावा दिया जाएगा। इस योजना के तहत कई बैंक जुड़ेंगे, जिनमें State bank of India, Punjab National Bank, UCO Bank, Bank of Baroda, Bank of India और United Bank of India शामिल हैं। इस योजना का लाभ उठाने के लिए ओडिशा राज्य के नागरिकों को अपनी ”Ama Bank” योजना के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन करना होगा।


Ama Bank Odisha : Overview


Name of the Scheme Ama Bank
Department Panchayati Raj & Drinking Water Department
Launched by Government of Odisha
Launched Date 28 Nov 2023
State/Location Odisha
Budget 500 Cr
Beneficiary All Citizens of Odisha State
Objective To provide banking services to the unbanked gram panchayats (GPs) of the state
Official Website Ama Odisha Nabin Odisha


Ama Bank OdishaObjective


The main objective of ”Ama Bank” Scheme launched in the state of Odisha is to provide every banking facility to the citizens of the state of Odisha who lack banking facilities. Through this scheme, every banking facility will reach every gram panchayat(GPs) level of Odisha state. Under this scheme, every area of the state will be developed.


Ama Bank OdishaBenefits 


Following are the details of the benefits the state will get from the ”Ama Bank” Scheme launched by Odisha State Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik.

  1. Through this scheme, the benefit of banking facilities will reach every area of Odisha state where there is lack of banking facilities.
  2. Customer service center will be developed in every area of the state where banking services are not available.
  3. Every citizen will get the benefit of banking facilities of Odisha state.
  4. Through this scheme, every citizen of the state will be able to avail the facilities of depositing cash, making online payments, getting information about the balance in their bank account, paying bills etc.
  5. It will become easier for all citizens to get pension.


Ama Bank Odisha : Budget


Under the ”Ama Bank” scheme launched by Odisha state Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik, CSP Plus banking outlets will be developed at every gram panchayat(GPs) level, on which a budget of Rs 500 crore was announced to provide the benefit of banking facilities to the rural villagers.


Ama Bank Odisha : CSP Plus Outlet Services  


  • Account opening
  • Cash Deposit and Withdrawal, Fund transfer
  • Loan Repayment
  • Enrolling PMJJBY/PMSBY/APY
  • Leading manufacturer of personal accident insurance and other products
  • Account opening through Video KYC


Ama Bank OdishaCollaborated Bank List


Following are the details of the list of banks added under Odisha ”Ama Bank” Scheme Bank List launched in the state of Odisha.

  1. State Bank of India
  2. United Bank of India
  3. Punjab National Bank
  4. UCO Bank
  5. Bank of India
  6. Bank of Baroda


Ama Bank Odisha : Online Apply Process 


To get the benefit of the Ama Bank Scheme started in the state of Odisha, You have to apply online for Odisha Ama Bank Scheme which is not started yet nor the official website of Odisha AMA Bank Scheme has been launched, online registration for Odisha Ama Bank Scheme will start as soon as the scheme is launched. we will provide you complete information through this article, so stay connected with this article till the end and to get complete information.


Ama Bank Odisha
Ama Bank Scheam in Odisha



1. What additional services does “Ama Bank” provide for the rural population?

     “अमा बैंक” ग्रामीण आबादी के लिए कौन सी अतिरिक्त सेवाएँ प्रदान करता है?

Answer: “Ama Bank Odisha” scheme provides doorstep banking services to senior citizens, persons with disabilities and pregnant women, ensuring hassle-free access to direct benefit transfers and meeting the financial needs of the rural population.

     “Ama Bank” योजना वरिष्ठ नागरिकों, विकलांग व्यक्तियों और गर्भवती महिलाओं को घर पर बैंकिंग सेवाएं प्रदान करती है, जिससे प्रत्यक्ष लाभ हस्तांतरण तक परेशानी मुक्त पहुंच सुनिश्चित होती है और ग्रामीण आबादी की वित्तीय जरूरतों को पूरा किया जाता है।


2. Which public sector banks collaborated with the Odisha government for the Functionality of “AMA Bank” scheme?

    किस सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र के बैंक ने “एएमए बैंक” योजना की कार्यक्षमता के लिए ओडिशा सरकार के साथ सहयोग किया?

Answer: The Government of Odisha collaborated with six public sector banks, namely, State Bank of India, Punjab National Bank, United Bank of India, UCO Bank, Bank of India and Bank of Baroda for the implementation of the scheme.

  ओडिशा सरकार ने योजना के कार्यान्वयन के लिए छह सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र के बैंकों, अर्थात् भारतीय स्टेट बैंक, पंजाब नेशनल बैंक, यूनाइटेड बैंक ऑफ इंडिया, यूको बैंक, बैंक ऑफ इंडिया और बैंक ऑफ बड़ौदा के साथ सहयोग किया।

3. What is the main objective of “AMA Bank” scheme?

    “एएमए बैंक” योजना का मुख्य उद्देश्य क्या है?

Answer: The “Ama Bank Odisha” scheme aims to provide banking services through CSP Plus outlets in all unbanked Gram Panchayats (GPs) in the state, Odisha has become the leading state in India in conceiving and implementing such a comprehensive plan for financial inclusion.

    “Ama Bank” योजना का लक्ष्य राज्य के सभी बैंक रहित ग्राम पंचायतों (जीपी) में सीएसपी प्लस आउटलेट के माध्यम से बैंकिंग सेवाएं प्रदान करना है, वित्तीय समावेशन के लिए ऐसी व्यापक योजना की कल्पना करने और लागू करने में ओडिशा भारत का अग्रणी राज्य बन गया है।



Important Links


Official Website Ama Odisha Nabin Odisha
ServicePlus Form Click Here
Student Scholarship Form Click Here
Aadhaar Form Click Here
Kalia Yojana , PM-Kisan Form Click Here
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